I know I’ve been writing a lot about Bible study of late. I’ve been needing it so much that it consumes a lot of my thoughts and time lately. I’m so hungry for God. I don’t even know how to explain it. Spending time reading His words to me has been amazing and getting to talk to other ladies about what God is showing them is amazing too.
It is no surprise then, that my children are picking up on that…
Last week, they were so cute when they insisted on taking their Bibles when we left for Bible study. Although they have a lesson in their classes, due to their age and all, they don’t actually “study” their Bibles. It was adorable and I indulged their desire to be like mommy.
Encouraging this is not always easy though.
Take yesterday.
I had finally pulled everything together and packed them in the car to head out for week two of my study. They didn’t realize that they had forgotten their Bibles until we were pulling out of our neighborhood. For those that know me well, you know that I DESPISE being late. Already I was pushing it to get there in time. Getting 3 kids into and out of the car and checked into separate classes is no easy task.
I’m so sad to admit that my immediate gut reaction was annoyance. But as I was preparing to explain to them that they didn’t really NEED their Bibles and bracing for tears, I felt a tug at my heart. I knew that I was supposed to turn around and nurture this desire of theirs.
That evening, as we gathered with friends for the Truth Project, this verse came up: “This is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent” (John 17:3).
Whether or not I’m on time for things is not important. Fostering my children’s desire to KNOW God is more important than anything. I pray I always listen to those nudges from the Holy Spirit and give up my agenda for His. (ETA: And I pray that my agenda would become the same as His!!!)
Hearing about your walk is so encouraging! Thanks, sweetie!
Wow, Heather, it is so exciting to hear what God’s doing in your life and how your passion for Him + the Word is just growing!