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About the Book
Knight training started out as a way to equip the warrior class in medieval times. It soon became so compelling that all nobles sought to have their sons embark on this training and take up the chivalry challenge. The principles are timeless and ready for a new generation of boys to take up.
- Embark on a challenge that will change the way you view these parenting years.
- Issue the chivalry challenge to your boys and alter the way they view their childhood.
- Embrace a life of purpose and adventure like no other.
Boys. They are different. They are oftentimes loud, frequently dirty, and always seeking adventure. This book helps parents celebrate boys for who they are and prepare them to grow into the men they long to become by challenging them to become knights-in-training – ready to take up the call to defend the weak, fight for what is right, and embody chivalry in the 21st century.
We do so by taking a look back in history at why the code of chivalry was so important to the knights of old and explore why it is critical for our boys today! Each chapter ends with a “Throw Down the Gauntlet” section with practical tips for helping our boys embody each aspect of the code!
Get ready for the adventure as you call your boys to become Knights in Training.
Listen to a clip from the Knights in Training audiobook!
What People Are Saying…
“Knights in Training is a breath of fresh air in today’s world. In this must-read book, Heather Haupt provides an inspired and powerful roadmap for anyone raising boys to be polite, compassionate, honorable gentlemen. Highly recommended!”
-Amy McCready, Founder of Positive Parenting Solutions and author of The “Me, Me, Me” Epidemic: A Step-by-Step Guide to Raising Capable, Grateful Kids in an Over-Entitled World
“Chivalry does not have to die and civility does not have to be a lost art form, but the only way for these to make a comeback in society is to start in families and at home. Heather Haupt offers fascinating insight into the current state of boyhood and manhood, alongside a practical and fun guide for training our boys in the ways of courage, kindness, and honor. I’m inspired to raise my three boys to be modern-day knights who will love God, respect and serve others, and leave this world a better place than they found it.”
–Erin Mohring, co-founder of The MOB Society and Raising Boys Ministries, writer at Home With the Boys.
“I often talk with parents about the importance of teaching boys to be gentlemen. Then parents ask me, “How, exactly do I do that? How do I raise my son to be a gentleman?” From now on, I will know just how to answer. I will tell parents: “Read Heather Haupt’s book Knights in Training.””
–Leonard Sax MD PhD, author of the New York Times bestseller The Collapse of Parenting, Why Gender Matters, Boys Adrift, and Girls on the Edge.
“As a father seeking to raise a son in an environment that seems at times hostile to the idea of manhood, I found Heather’s book both challenging and refreshing! I pray that the 10 principles espoused in this book would by God’s grace become normative for how we seek to raise our boys into men.”
-Matt Chandler – Author, Lead Pastor of The Village Church, President of the Acts 29 Church Planting Network
“I am so grateful to see a fresh perspective on an age-old quest: raising boys into men. Using the time-honored code of the Knights, Heather reminds parents that not much has changed when it comes to raising the next generation of young men. Treat women with respect. Tell the truth. Be generous. Thanks, Heather! I needed that. We all need it.”
Heidi St. John, Author of Becoming MomStrong, Speaker, Creator of The Busy Mom
“Heather Haupt has written a much-needed guide for raising boys into men…Chivalry is all-but dead, but Haupt’s excellent book will tell parents how to bring it back to life!”
-Family psychologist John Rosemond, author of A Family of Value and many others.
Table of Contents
PART 1: The Boy Raising Adventure
- Charting a New Path
- Why We Don’t Want to Raise Typical Boys
- Boys Are Different
PART 2: The Chivalry Challenge
- Knights in Training: Stoking the Fires of a Lifelong Quest
- Physical Training for the Quest
- The Code: Love God
- The Code: Obey
- The Code: Stand Against Injustice
- The Code: Protect the Weak
- The Code: Respect Women
- The Code: Don’t Give Offense
- The Code: Speak Truth
- The Code: Be Generous
- The Code: Persevere
- The Code: Pursue Excellence
PART 3: Continuing the Quest
- Raising Modern Day Knights is a Long-Term Quest
**FREE** Resources for the Quest
Knights Code of Chivalry Printable Poster
Knights Code of Chivalry Progress Chart
Book List for the Chivalry Challenge
Chores Kids Can Do By Age – excerpt from the book
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