I am so very excited today to introduce you all to my friend, Jamie. I remember sitting with her and discussing marriage last year with some other ladies from our homeschool support group and leaving so inspired. Her enthusiasm is contagious. And she is here today sharing a bit of her heart for how we can cultivate our marriages! I’m a firm believer that when we work to build our marriage relationship that the whole family is strengthened as a result.
One of the ways that we make sure that our marriage is getting the time and attention it needs is by being fiercely protective of our time together. It sounds really easy, yes? {We are all nodding here.} With our busy schedules, it takes real intention to keep bits of time for each other. And I’m not just talking about planning date nights, although those are always good. I’m talking about when you’re living day-by-day, down in the trenches. Here’s a confession that might shock you… After our kids go to bed, I do nothing except be with my husband. Did some of you faint? Of course there are those nights that are the exception, but for the most part, that time is his. Sometimes we read or watch tv or unload the dishwasher. I let him decide because it’s his time. If that means dishes are left in the sink or laundry goes unfolded, so be it. We also get up early together to have time to pray and share a cup of coffee. While some mornings it’s hard for me to pull myself out from under the protective layers of covers, it’s always worth it. When can you squeeze out of your day just for your spouse?
Thanks so much Heather for just letting me go at this! What a blessing you are to all us, your readers.
Ahhh, thanks Jamie. Your words both convicted and inspired me. My marriage is so important and I’m thankful for the reminder to cultivate it!
Love the ideas. We like to take family walks and let the kids ride scooters ahead. It gives us a chance to catch up and reconnect at the end of the day!
What a lovely post…thank you for sharing your friend with us Heather! Yes, cultivating our marriages is SO important!! Thank you, Jamie, for the reminder to carve out that special time for one another…what a blessing to visit here today. 🙂
Blessings to you both!