Today was the perfect day to pull out our new Olympic Art Pastel lesson book on the kindle fire. It was overcast (rare for Arizona) and just enough nip in the air to make these desert dwellers feel in the mood for the upcoming winter Olympics. We’ve been using A Simple Start in Chalk Pastels this […]
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Teaching Typing Skills – Quickly and Efficiently {VLOG}
Tap, tap, tap… “YESSSSSSSSSSSS!” I hear my son shout. He has just received a promotion. We are in our second month of exploring Keyboard Classroom and we both couldn’t be more pleased. Finally, after searching off and on for a while, we’ve found a typing program that we both like. Our time is just too […]
Geeking out on this Architectural, Engineering Toy
Add THIS to your Christmas list! With three boys, lots of toys make their way into our home during birthdays and at Christmas. But not all of them end up sticking around. I’m always on the lookout for toys that stand the test of time, provide lots of open-ended play and either unleash the imagination […]
How to Teach Chess When You Don’t Know How to Play
Outsource or Learn Alongside Them! I have a strange obsession with learning things that are challenging for me. For instance, I’m fascinated with learning how to knit, write html, write period {it was torture for me growing up}, etc. Today’s tangent was researching what it would take to design my own font… {not sure […]
Created to Create – Finding Your Inner Artist
We settled down around the kitchen table and pulled out the pastels. There is something so cathartic, so peaceful about the process of creating. After we read through the tutorial in our Simple Start to Chalk Pastel’s book, we set to work. Well, all of us except for one. This son of mine starts to […]
Cultivating Life-Giving Speech: A Family Devotional
Oh the tongue is such a tiny part of our body and yet it wields such great power. With it we can build each other up or tear one another down. “The tongue has the power of life and death.” Proverbs 18:21 Over in these parts, I’ve noticed that we’ve become a little lax with […]