I’m sure you all are familiar with the phrase, “The hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world.” As mothers, we are creators of culture. We have the awesome privilege and responsibility to train up the next generation. We are not merely cooking, cleaning or simply keeping our children clothed and alive {although some days that seems […]
Of Raising Daniels and Fresh Resolve
I’m not going to lie to you… I went into Tuesday, excited and hopeful. As the evening wore on, a knot began to form in the pit of my stomach. We turned the television off and I sat quietly for a long while. I love how God is always there, just waiting for me to […]
Tale of Two Kingdoms
There is a fierce cosmic battle going on between two realms: The Kingdom of Light vs. The Kingdom of Darkness. We pulled out our heart lesson again. Just as Keegan was aghast at discovering that everyone was born with a dirty heart when we did the heart lesson for the first time, they were shocked […]
Prayer: Opening Eyes to See the Miracle
My heart sank when Rich came into my parents kitchen where I was nursing Greta to let me know that our van was overheating… We just sat staring at one another for a few moments – silently speaking volumes. We both winced internally, simultaneously considering the cost involved for repairs and the probability of turning around. Boys gathered around […]
A Wordless Book: Life Made Beautiful…
In talking about wordless books, I wanted to revisit a little book we created that is near and dear to my heart. Making our first ‘heart lesson’ book last spring began a beautiful conversation with my second child which culminated in him turning his dirty heart over to Jesus for a miraculous cleaning a couple of […]
How to Weather a Storm…
Boys gather at the front window, eager for that first glimpse of friends. Excited shrieks announce their arrival as I pour our summer batch of sand into the sandbox in the backyard. Not one but TWO grandma’s approach the front door with my friend Amanda’s children. {Remember Amanda? I asked you all to be […]