This is their training phase. It is our job to lead and theirs to follow.” We have an authority crisis in our culture. In a world where profanity and obscenities are increasingly cool, edgy, and authentic, the word OBEY is approached with fear, apprehension, and outright revulsion. We see this everywhere in current culture and […]
Inviting Your Children into an Everyday Faith…
How you live your life matters for so many reasons. Your kids are watching you. They see the real you – flaws and all. I might be able to convince people over the internet or even in real life that I’m a pretty amazing person, but my kids see the real me. They see me […]
Challenge your boys to LOVE God!
Are you ready for the first aspect of the chivalry challenge? This one is foundational for your sons, your daughters, for EVERYONE. For the knight – the defender and protector of humanity – it is critical. The French medieval historian from the 1800’s, Léon Gautier, wrote this on the importance of faith for the medieval knight: […]
A Year Long Chivalry Challenge
One of the grand things about writing a book is hearing the stories from others about how this idea of knight training is helping their sons. I love hearing the stories of boys who are inspired to live with purpose and who, even at young ages, grab a hold of these ideals and strive to […]
A Web of Lies Game (and how to come clean)
[An excerpt from Knight’s in Training (affiliate link) and an expanded tutorial for this important game. I’m sharing more about helping our kids pursue honesty over at The Character Corner today as well!] Weaving Webs and Forming Habits One day as we were shooting hoops, I asked my boys how one can become a better basketball […]
Books to Inspire Boys in the Chivalry Challenge!
Knight training begins by captivating the imagination, by drawing our children into the magic and wonder of this bygone medieval era. In the appendix at the back of Knights in Training, I list out my absolute favorite books for this knight training journey. I’m sharing them here to give you a sneak peek and as […]