In case any of you hadn’t yet realized, I wrote an ebook that will be released next week! I’m elated that it is finally ready! The intersection of movement and learning is one of my passions. It was a joy to share some of that with you all this last spring in my 10 Days to Boosting Brain Power series.
And now this little book of mine is ready to launch. It’s going to be an important tool in your parenting and teaching tool chest.
* You’ll find out WHY movement is so critical for learning.
* You’ll learn the key signs to watch for that indicate your child needs to get up and MOVE.
* You’ll learn how to help your children begin to realize this and set them on a path for long-term success in maximizing focus and learning.
* You’ll have access to 60 creative brain breaks that will get the blood pumping and help wire the brain for optimal learning! Detailed instructions, photographs and printables are included!
Next Wednesday, August 14th, is the official launch. I’ll announce the website for the book and we’ll have a party! I’m hoping you all can help me spread the word! I think every parent out there will benefit from this book and it can be easily incorporated into a classroom setting too!
Have you Subscribed to My Blog Yet?
As a thank you to all of you, my wonderful readers, I’m providing a SUBSCRIBER exclusive! Do you subscribe to my blog via email or an RSS feed? Now that Google Reader has gone the way of the dodo bird, my reader of choice is Feedly. Actually, I like it even better than Google Reader. I’m able to group blogs by category and see at a glance. I subscribe to some blogs via email, but most blogs that I want to track, I follow in Feedly.
Anyways, back to my SUBSCRIBER exclusive! I’m going to have a special coupon code for you next TUESDAY ONLY. You’ll have the chance to snag my book for a screamin’ deal, before it goes public! So be watching for it. On Tuesday’s post, there will be a special code in the bottom of your RSS feed or email! If you want to take advantage of this exclusive, you’ll need to subscribe now – using the handy box at the top of the blog or this form here. If you want to be sure not to miss the ONE DAY special, I’d highly recommend the email subscription.
I’m curious, how to you prefer to keep up with the blogs you read? Do you use social media, subscribe via email, have a favorite reader?
Does your book help 13 yr boys?
YES! The principles are timeless no matter how old or young. A few of the people who helped edit my book ended up implementing the principles in their workplace with phenomenal results. There are a few of the exercises that will be too young, but with 60 cards to choose from, you can simply pull those aside. Hope that helps.
Very awesome!!!
So excited for you, Heather! I just love all of your insight on learning!
SOOOO excited about your e-book!! Thanks for the heads-up – I will be watching my e-mail like a hawk on Tuesday 🙂 Much love, G