- 27 weeks along.
5 weeks past the time when I went on quasi-bedrest with the last pregnancy. (hurray!)
Despite contractions starting at 13 weeks. Seriously?!?!?!?
Thrilled to be in a place of getting to take care of my family and still do some outside activities.
But mostly staying home these days and sneaking in a daily nap.
Loving getting to feel this little girl twirl and wiggle around inside.
She has a name: Greta Renee
Still counting His many gifts to me and finally making it online to post some more of them…
798. Grocery shopping and being able to load and unload them from the car.
799. Ability to do laundry.
800. Walking up and down the stairs whenever I need to!
801. For Natural Calm magnesium which is helping me sleep better at night (and possibly helping to keep these contractions at bay).
802. For the night and day emotional difference right now to last pregnancy. (Thank you Jesus!!!)
804. Boys who love to play with together and have been content with the slower pace this summer.
805. Kiddie Pools.
806. Swimming in Opa’s pool. Oh the feeling of being weightless!
807. Boys obsessed with books.
809. The baby {belly} hugs that this little girl (and mama) receive all thru the day from 3 excited brothers.
811. Enjoying and cherishing each little phase of this pregnancy!
812. That I sometimes still forget I’m pregnant and try usually simple things like ‘skipping’.
813. The comical relief at seeing my lame attempts to do so…
814. Naptime with my youngest (who won’t reliably take a nap these days unless he is in bed with me)
815. The anticipation of getting to meet her at the end of September or early October!
I love the name you’ve chosen for her! And very thankful your pregnancy is progressing healthily. It’s time for me to get to work on a little blanket for Greta Renee! By the way, thanks for recommending Sacred Marriage– it’s been super!
What a lovely list! Such a wonderful time in life 😉 I enjoyed remembering it with you, and wish you well. It really is a brief moment. Enjoy!
thanks for the update!
i love the pic! happy 4th!!
Love your list!
Your family is beautiful. I’m sure you’re excited for this sweet little one to arrive.
Happy 4th!
Thank you so much ladies. I’m feeling so very blessed that other than the typical pregnancy discomforts here and there, I’m feeling great overall.
Camille, The skipping didn’t really happen. I think by the time I picked up my other foot to try and hop, I realized that there was a serious mass of weight around my middle that made it impossible to both balance and hop! 😉
And yes, the boys are LOVING their summer so far which is another huge blessing. There has been no chomping at the bit to get out and no begging for TV/movies that I was afraid might occur…
Great photo Heather! Your baby bump is beautiful. Hang in there! Great list…NO skipping!! 😉
Many blessings,
P.S. I’m sure your boys will cherish their memories of this *slower paced* summer…how children just love to be *free*! ENJOY!!
Sunday & Monday after the convention you get to rest. MiMa & Pa will do a lot of spoiling 3 little boys with their big cousin there to help.
What a cute belly!
That’s the sweetest little “bump” I’ve ever seen 🙂
What a story you’ve had with your pregnancies! So thankful this one is less eventful–at least in the eyes of you! Hold on, Little Girl in there!