Remember when I mentioned that service and generosity aren’t strengths of mine? I’m finding that this month is just as much a lesson for me as it is for the kiddos. Do I sound like a broken record? Because I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned that before as we’ve learned to cast our cares, grow in patience, perseverance, etc…
Our mission for the day was simple. Bake cookies, make cards and go thank our firemen. Simple really. I have three boys, in-love with danger, fire and anyone who tackles both of those for a living.
Xander and I baked the cookies. I’m growing, friends. He did most of the work, although we are still trying to navigate the hand-off for the oven. He’s my cautious one and he’s terribly nervous about burning himself.
Next, we talked about WHY we were thankful for our firemen and how we could bless them by telling them so. I asked Keegan, my artist, if he might draw a picture for them. I suggested the possibility of a nativity scene (a favorite of his to draw – especially this time of year) with the firemen going to see Jesus. In my head I was entertaining daydreams of his whimsical drawings taped to the fridge at the firehouse. You know, as a constant reminder of Jesus, why we are celebrating his birth and our desire to see these brave men encounter the King of KINGS! It was a beautiful dream.
But I’m discovering my need to hold those dreams lightly and go with the flow. This is what he drew and his impromptu explanation/question.
So, have YOU ever seen a stable on fire???? bahahahaha. This was not exactly what I had in mind… But the men found it quite humorous.
This daily looking to give and serve, is moving me out of my comfort zone. I’m great with the most important aspect of my ministry – discipling these four children of mine, but bestowing gifts on strangers is challenging. But really, isn’t moving out and ministering to other people with my children part of their discipleship process too? I found myself mentally rehearsing what we would say both inside my head and then verbally helping the boys rehearse things they could say on the way over.
We practiced and practiced and practiced.
…clammed up the minute we stepped foot in the station. Every single one of us. Isn’t that the silliest thing? Thankfully, I’m an adult and managed a little better than the boys so it wasn’t completely awkward. Oh this month of focusing our attention on others is so good for us!
Practice doesn’t always make perfect, but it does reveal areas we need to grow in and provide ample opportunity to do just that. I’m thankful for how it is stretching us and opening our eyes to see {really see} others as we reach out to give, serve and love this month!
Keegan’s colored drawing with handwritten caption is wonderful! Big kudos to you for humbly moving out of your comfort zone and learning so much along with your children!
What a thoughtful thing to bring your firemen cookies! And, yes…we always must remember the real reason we are celebrating. What a blessing that you sought to point the thoughts of those men heavenward at this wonderful time of year! I am sure they were blessed.
Merry Christmas!