Last time I introduced the idea of a mission-statement. I am a mom on a mission! Hallelujah. There is more to life than laundry and pb&j! You can read Part 1 here. So here we are with goal #1:
A Love for Jesus
There is absolutely NOTHING in the world more important than knowing Jesus. He’s the only one that can touch our hearts, extend forgiveness and make a way for us to have right standing before God. Without Him, we are destined to a life that is hopeless and an eternity that is nothing but agony.
I mean really, the Creator of the entire universe wants to have relationship with us. Even when we rebelled, He was still relentless in pursuing us and calling us back. WOW.
Not only do I want my children to know about Him, but I really want them to know Him.
As followers of Jesus, we not only get to spend eternity with Him, we can also have relationship with Him here and now. And it is this beautiful relationship with Jesus which I want to pass on – a relationship that guides, directs and influences every other aspect of my life. Nothing would make me happier than to see my children enjoy time with God and follow Him whole-heartedly in whatever direction and calling He gives.
Now I recognize that God is the one that calls and saves, but I believe as parents we play a pivotal role in introducing our children to the glorious Savior. I’m always inspired by the instructions in Deuteronomy 6. This clearly summarizes my charge to first know, love and follow God and then to teach this to my children – to make it a part of our everyday lives.
You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. Deuteronomy 6:5-9
This everyday approach is what confirms my need to stay home and raise these boys. No one on this earth loves my children more than Rich and I. So I count it a privilege that I can interact with them throughout the day and disciple these little charges that God has blessed us with. I am thankful that I can work to make our relationship with God primary instead of something that happens only on Sundays or even only at a prescribed family devotion time. Instead my goal is to make it such an integral part of our daily lives that it flows out of everything we do.
How does this look? Different every day. It’s not about a book, curriculum or ‘to-do’. It’s about sharing life and demonstrating how Jesus invades every aspect of it.
That’s where the everyday walking, lying down, rising kind of thing comes in. I get the opportunity to model how to apply and live out the reality of God living in and working through me!
When I recognize the power of the daily to impact my children for Christ, I learn to embrace whatever comes our way as an opportunity to point my children to Him!
AMEN!! Beautiful!! I too long to show the love of Christ to my children… through good & bad times.
Hi Heather,,, I just came across you blog and wanted to introduce myself. My name is Karen from I have enjoyed browsing through your latests post.. Hope that when you get a chance you will stop by and visit me and say Hi..
Have a blessed day..Hope to see ya soon,, and I will be back to visit again…
What a beautiful post! I couldn’t agree more. Although some days are harder than others to show my kids the love of Christ when they are misbehaving but I have to remember God’s mercy and try my best to display it on them! Thank you for joining my homeschool blog hop. It’s nice to meet you and so refreshing to meet like minded Christian homeschool moms like you! I signed up to follow your blog – I do not want to miss any of your great posts! Enjoy your week! 🙂 <><