Are you ready to embark on the challenge? My book releases in a few weeks and lays out the charge to raise knights in training by issuing our boys the chivalry challenge!
I’ll never forget the first day I printed off my knight’s code of chivalry and gathered my boys around.
“It’s time for Knight-Training.” I told them.
“You mean with swords and everything?” my middle son asked incredulously. …and so our adventures began.
People have long been captivated by the age of knights. We are drawn to the brave deeds, the gallantry, and for boys the glory in battle. I knew I wanted my boys to be chivalrous toward the women in their lives, but when I discovered that chivalry was more than simply how a man treated a woman, I caught a glimpse of a greater vision.
We were going to embrace the goal of learning to embody the code of chivalry at large. It provided an excellent framework for the raising of boys into men. It captivated their imagination and gave us a common language for communicating what it means to be a man, a person who makes a difference in their community. It filled us as parents with purpose, giving us direction in the craziness of this boy raising adventure.
In the weeks, months, and years since we first issued the challenge, we continue to refer to that chivalry poster. In a few weeks, your book will arrive and with it a road map for living this challenge out with your own family!
Today, just weeks away from the launch of Knights in Training, I’m excited to let you know that my publisher will mail out this beautiful, glossy, 11×17 chivalry code poster to the first 500 people who pre-order the book and fill out this form! (US orders only) All you need is the receipt/order number from your pre-order – whether that was months ago or you are placing your pre-order today. For instance on Amazon, you can find your order number listed at the top of your online receipt.
Free poster; Free shipping; A powerful reminder to you and your boys to live by the code of chivalry!
I have a simpler free download of the Knights Code of Chivalry for everyone that is available on the Knights In Training page, but this poster is only available for pre-orders!
By pre-ordering the book you are also sending a powerful message to bookstores all across the country that this is a message that parents want to hear. You are declaring that we will not settle for the status quo. We are stating our intent to raise sons who are both kind and brave, courageous and compassionate, boys who are strong in body, mind, and heart!
Have you pre-ordered your copy of Knights in Training yet?
Sign up to receive your poster here and then spread the word to your friends. Embarking on this chivalry challenge is even better when we can do it in community with others. Together let’s start a new #ChivalryMovement!
Find out more about Knights in Training!
My son would absolutely have the best 15 birthday if he were to win a prize from you. He’s been through so much this last year loosing his big brother who passed away and hid Grandma who passed away in November just three days before the anniversary of his brother passing. Love to you all.