A parent’s job is challenging. You work so hard one day, teaching and training your little one’s only to wake up the next morning and do it all over again.
Your finger doesn’t go there. Share your toys. Don’t throw your food on the floor. The potty is THAT way. Let’s practice using kind words with our brother…
Sometimes, in my weak moments, I wonder if they will ever learn. I am drained.
I know they will, but sometimes I can get pretty irrational about it.
Then God gives you a tiny peek, a glimpse of the progress that is being made. A glimpse of the lessons learned, the words heard or the magnificient work that He is doing in their hearts.
Last week I was given the gift of one of these glimpses.
“He is not here. He is Risen!”
As I was starting the verse, Keegan jumped in and finished it. The verse had been a central part of our Easter play and craft times last year and despite his young age (2.5) he had remembered it!
While some days it seems like he is not interested in doing much, he is still learning and growing. I may not see all of the fruit now, but I am called to faithfully cultivate and be faithful to what God has called me to today.
In time I will see more. For now, I’m content with the glimpses he gives me…
(For a list of ideas I’ve compiled on sharing Easter with our little one’s, go here!)
So I continue with others all over the world as we take time out of our week to count His many gifts!
150. God’s Word hidden in little hearts and bearing fruit
151. new life – both physical and spiritual.
152. The thrill of new discovered skills
153. Truth that breaks into my heart through music
154. singing truth and praise back to God with others
155. beautiful plants that should survive my black thumb
156. toddler toes speckled with black paint because he wanted to help dad paint chairs
157. fish lip kisses
158. clippers that can erase the effects of a 3yo self-haircut
159. brotherly affection (oh the glimpses are more frequent than I could have imagined)
160. carcassonne game nights with hubby, even if he wins
161. sleep. catching up on sleep.
162. conversations with my sister
163. making plans with my mom
164. tiny niece hands gripping my fingers as we walk down the stairs
165. acacia blooms that I am not allergic too!
Glad one of us likes #165. You should live at our house;)
yay for the hubby win…but not just any win, but a total beatdown!