There is something so exciting, so special about new life. Yesterday, I was supposed to be there to support my friend as she gave birth to her second child. Life is a little complicated right now and I missed the birth by just over 5 minutes. Quick labors are truly wonderful, unless you are the one that missed it by not hurrying enough. (And I’m not one to complain about that!) Doula activity apparently is not for my stage in life…
Despite missing the action, the atmosphere in their home was almost palpable. It was thick with a strong feeling of the presense of God. Birth is a profoundly spiritual experience – even if you aren’t the one giving birth.
I can’t help but be in awe of the Creator God when I inspect those tiny flailing fingers, listened to the quiet mews of first cries and witnessed the look of complete love from the mother and the supernatural strength given to endure this bringing of new life out into our oxygen breathing world.
It is with joy that I continue to make my way to counting 1,000 gifts. Care to join the community?
608. new life
609. watching big sister adjust to her new life-long, live-in friend.
610. gentle mother strength.
611. supportive husbands.
612. tiny fingers and toes.
613. boys that were excited to see me again, even I wasn’t gone that long.
614. silly boy antics.
615. brotherly love and companionship.
616. getting a peek at the next stage in life. I love my 9 and 10 year olds class that I’m teaching this month in our PE co-op.
617. fun games, even though I know it will mean more knees to patch.
Heather – All babies are such blessings, even if they aren’t your own!!! So true!
Craig, You are correct. It was such a gift to be there with them during this incredible occasion. I wouldn’t trade of for the world. And I love your comments on brotherly love. That makes this mommy’s heart sing!
I am here today from Ann’s
First, you were there – that’s what counts – not the timing – but the presence 🙂
Of your “gratefuls” my favorite one is ~
615. brotherly love and companionship. (cause when all is said and done – through the squabbles and sibling rivalry – they wsill have each other when they are older – and each of them is a piece of you)
God Bless and Keep – and Happy Valentine’s Day
Oh, babies! 🙂
Congratulations on another one in your life, even if it’s not yours.
Very special list of gratitude.
Happy Valentine’s Day!