For the last year and a half I’ve been recording God’s everyday gifts to me. Some I print here, others are for my eyes alone. I’m so thankful for the benefits of taking my eyes off of myself and intentionally focusing on God and all that He’s given.
This last week, I realized that I focus less on my husbands faults because I’ve been recording how God has used him in my life. I spend more time thinking about the gift of marriage than dwelling on how it isn’t meeting my {sometimes too high}expectations. Life with young children is not easy. But as I record the beautiful moments, it helps me retain perspective more often when it isn’t ideal and I’m having those “I didn’t sign up for this” moments. As I called my dad, to get insight/encouragement on being more faithful with morning devotions, he reminded me that it is about relationship and I realized that I am communing with God all day long as I thank Him for the little (and big) things in life. And even when life throws difficult curve balls, as it did for us last October, I find myself fighting to see His gifts, even amidst pain and struggle. Life and how I react, is far from perfect. But there is progress – bit by bit. My spiritual eyes and ears are tuning to recognize His work around me and in me. Faith is growing, intimacy fostered, peace enjoyed and joy bubbling over. So thankful for grace.
And so I continue to count…
658. glimpses of growth. He is in the business of changing me!
659. A God who wants to relate to me, to each of us – personally, moment-by-moment.
660. little boy chairs with a long history…
661. spontaneous worship songs made up by eldest son.
662. grandmothers sharing of new family additions.
663. boys eager to help.
664. golf tees that keep globes spinning.
665. fresh patience when asked for.
666. new mercies each and every day.
667. wide-eyed looks from a nephew.
668. oldest tenderly helping toddler cousin.
669. getting a peak at a new baby.
670. wild newborn hair.
671. playing pretend with my youngest.
672. remnants of exuberant child play.
673. lingering memories of youngest boy proclaiming, “I Robin Hood.”
674. my monthly ‘retreat’ with other Jesus loving momma’s.
675. a husband who willingly releases me for one Saturday morning a month!
676. difficult days that remind me how much I need Him.
677. weaknesses revealed.
678. opportunities to turn to the One who is strong.
Thank you for counting your blessings so publicly, Heather. I’m always encouraged by your honesty. And I’m glad to be challenged to be grateful in all things.
Thanks Jess for the encouragement.