I love Easter. From when I was a young girl, it has always been one of my favorite holidays because of what it represents. With a little over 6 weeks until Easter, I find my mind going there once again. For anyone who has been around for a while, they know how much I enjoy preparing our hearts for this celebration in the weeks leading up to Easter.
There is something so special about taking time, over a period of time to prepare. I find that by spreading out our activities and preparations that it allows for these incredible truths to really sink into minds and hearts (for both the kids and for us) as we percolate and slowly absorb.
I did a post last year on the {possible} how’s in anticipating and preparing for this time with young children. It is chock full of ideas on how to make it hands-on, real and special for our children.
Julie over at Faith-Filled Days has posted some ideas that she has done, both when her kids were younger and now that they are upper elementary/junior high age.
I certainly don’t do every idea, every year. There are seasons that are busier than others. Two years ago was a season of lots of hands-on activities, last year was a more reflective year where we read, prayed, but didn’t do a whole lot of activities. So as you look forward to Easter, pray about how God would have you prepare and go with His leading.
Here is a peek at what we are tentatively planning on doing this year:
Since we just did a unit on Kings and Queens, we are going to build on that and read through the book of Matthew and focus on Jesus as King and His kingdom. I’m very excited and working on fleshing out a few activities to go along with this.
My Trey-Trey just turned three yesterday. For his birthday, we gave him this incredible little Resurrection scene toy set. I didn’t know what to expect since it was only $5, but it is just perfect for some hands-on re-enacting of the story. (Oriental Trading Company is always sending out coupon codes for free shipping. I recommend finding a friend or two to go in on an order together and saving on shipping! Coupon code: WCE1579 gives free shipping on orders over $49 until 3/22.)
Trey isn’t super familiar with the account yet, but his brothers have been snagging the set and retelling the story.
I nearly ordered that, but held off. I’m glad to hear it’s worthwhile, and I”ll add it to my cart.
yay…can’t wait to read all the ideas!!
I love the resurrection set! Thanks for all the great ideas! I must admit that I’ve never done any real prep for Easter, but I think I will this year! It IS such an important part of our lives as Christians!