It’s been a season of learning obedience in our home – most specifically with our 2.5 year old. Opportunity to learn obedience arise at every, single nap and bed time. His smiling face emerges from his room – full of giggles, sure that we will make an exception and allow him to forgo a nap or […]
The Power of Touch
Do any of you ever have really bad weeks? This week was one of those for me. Nothing seemed to go right. I could go on and on, but I will just leave it at that and spare you all the boring, tedious details… One manifestation of my bad week was with my 3.5 year old. […]
Wise Words…
As I was strolling through the blogosphere I came upon these comments made by the well rounded mama: I will cherish today. It is the only one I have. I want to soak up all that it has to offer…all the snuggles, all the kisses, all the teachable moments. I have been given a gift […]
The Way of Gentleness
I’ve been struck of late with how the Lord interacts with us -in gentleness. As I think about how God deals with me when I make mistakes or even outright rebel, I’m reminded to extend patience and grace to my children. I’ve discovered that my demeaner and my heart attitudes are so important when interacting […]
Bear-ing It!
On a recent trip to the zoo with a good friend and his daughter, Treyton decided to embrace some freedom… After removing a super soggy diaper, he ran back for more fun in the water before I could get something else on him…
I’m terribly unorganized, but every once in a while I stumble on a good idea that makes my life just a little more sane. Color-coded cups (and toothbrushes) have been a life saver here! No fighting, no confusion. No spreading of unnecessary germs… And well, they are so pretty to look at! We love our […]