As dusk approaches, my oldest and I slip out to the trail behind our new home for a stroll. The birds chirp as a slight breeze rustles through the trees – music to my ears. He looks at me with a special smile and grabs my hand. Both of us are lost in thought. I […]
Intentional Parenting
In this distracted day and age, it is easy to put parenting on auto-pilot. But we can't afford to do that. We need to be actively engaged in preparing this generation by protecting the innocence of childhood while also preparing them to one day head out on their own.
Here are some of my most popular articles on parenting:
Mission-Minded Motherhood series
The Hand that Rocks the Cradle
From Cradle Rocking to Cooking
Cultivating Money Management Skills in a World that Spends
I’ve been meaning to write about this topic for a while and this seemed like the perfect time to dive in and share. I love how our curriculum is based around character traits as we delve into various units. Last year our character trait focus was on stewardship and under this trait we spent time learning […]
Cultivating Thanksgiving and Anticipating Christmas
November through December is one of my favorite times of year. Not only is our weather simply beautiful, but it’s a time of year when I pause to think. I’m sure I can’t be the only one that gets super busy with the changing of seasons… When we start a new “school” year, life is hectic as […]
7 Ways to Help Our Children Conquer Boredom
I’m waxing nostalgic about embracing the good ‘ol days and learning to simply be over at The Busy Mom today. And all of that got me thinking about the topic of boredom… I’m sure we’ve all encountered kids who say, “I’m bored.” or “Can we just go somewhere today?” or “What are we going […]
Beautiful Busy Work for Read Aloud Time
There is something about creating. It is calming and enjoyable. While learning about the trinity {We loved the book, 3 in 1.}, I decided to introduce the boys to embroidery, not that I really know how to do it properly. I’ve enjoyed playing around with it when making birthday crowns or bean bags. In keeping […]
Read Through The Bible as a Family {Printable}
There are a few things that I’ve felt God nudging me towards with greater urgency in recent years. One of those is the absolute importance of the Word of God in our life. It has the ability to teach, to encourage, to correct, to build our faith, and draw us near to the Lord. As […]