It’s been a little bit crazy over here and I haven’t been checking in with my calender like I normally do… As I arrived home from co-op, I quickly checked in to see if anything needed to be done before I head upstairs to pack for the HSLDA conference next week. Tucked inside my inbox was a post from Free Homeschool Deals. I love that blog and all of the ladies that write over there. The post was on discipleship and perspective – two favorite topics of mine. I breathed out a “Thank you God! I’m always in need of renewed perspective” prayer. As mother’s, discipleship is what we get to do each and every day – in the mundane and the extraordinary moments that come our way. But sometimes in the busyness, we fail to recognize this. I was having one of those moments…
Life has been way to busy this week. Because as the page popped up, I realize that this was my post scheduled to go live today. I forgot all about it. Apparently, God wanted me to read it with fresh eyes again today. If you need fresh perspective and a reminder that we are not on our own in this whole parenting/discipleship thing, slide on over and take a read!
Ok, it’s back to my beautiful, messy life.
As a total tangent, I tease my hubby all the time about action movies and their lack of a substantial plot. At first he protested, but when I gave him example after example of pure adrenaline action with only the most basic of story lines, he changed his tune. He ceded my point, and admitted that he simply preferred action without too much drama interfering.
Earlier this week, I thought of our bantering on this topic as I heard excited whispers, punctuated with the slashing of hockey sticks emanating from the front room. I mosied on over to check out what was going on. Bright-eyed, the boys ran up to let me know that they were rehearsing a play. I was to return later. The next afternoon, they announced that they were ready. Filled with anticipation, I plopped down to watch their production. It was adorable and quite nearly wordless – consisting of 2 fight scenes. Being the female that I am, I inquired as to the events leading up to this battle. My question was met with blank stares.
Greta proceeded to waltz in and babble on and on about something. This adorable girl is all drama. There are so many confusing, mesmerizing and conflicting layers to her emotions. It leaves me simultaneously delighted and baffled.
And that’s when it hit me that I’m living the action flick life with a touch of drama added on at the end. I wouldn’t trade it for the world, although I think I still might try and encourage a story line to go along with the action. 😉
Oh Heather! I only figured all this out about four years ago when Oliver truly became boyish (before that he was a baby and similar to how his sisters were). It’s incredible to watch how God has designed them all, isn’t it? I’m thankful my husband is with me on the movie front, but in other areas, I stand amazed at our differences. I used to be annoyed, now I’m amazed. The Lord has changed my heart in this department, thankfully 🙂
Perspective can make all the difference, I agree. I love your photos.