Every boy longs to be the hero which is why boys are so drawn to be brave, to crave adventure. They want to rise and save the day. For the Chivalry Challenge this month we have an opportunity to do just that – unleash them to be defenders and protectors of humanity. That starts at home, in our neighborhoods, and while they are out and about.
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When we celebrate a boy’s strength, when we admire or even mention how they can use their strength to help others, they rise to the occasion to demonstrate that this description is accurate. We inspire the very best in them.
Whenever possible, look for ways to be pro-active as a parent instead of reactive. When we tap into their desire to be validated for their strength, we have a unique opportunity to help them develop empathy that is increasingly becoming rampant in this next generation. They respond much better when we build them up than when we tear them down with criticism for all of the ways they are not measuring up.
“A knight doesn’t wait for someone to come to him and present a need, what does he do?” I asked my boys earlier this week.
“No, a knight is one the lookout for those in need,” they responded making these important connections again.
It was just the reminder my boys needed to be on the lookout – to engage their “situational awareness skills” to identify people in need – friends and strangers. As I re-read chapter 9 in Knights in Training in preparation for this month’s challenge, I was reminded afresh to issue my boys the challenge, to embrace their boyish tendencies, but also to cultivate it so that their love of strength and heroes is focused on how they can practically help those around him.
We want “everyday hero” to be their default mode as they tune in to the needs of those around them. As we read from the book of John that “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends,” I’ve been convicted as well. All of us – men and women, boys and girls, have opportunities to lay down our lives when we lay down our wants, our needs, our desires to help another out. When we as a people live this out, everything changes!
Issue your boys the challenge –
They have opportunities each and every day to use their strength to help others. They have opportunities to be the hero to someone by sharing a kind word, inviting a lonely kid at the park to come play basketball. Brainstorm ways they can live this out. Gently point out opportunities as they present themselves because oftentimes they just don’t see those opportunities and they need us to come alongside them, cheering them on and helping them to have eyes to see the needs and the reminder to be that person who steps up to the rescue.
Sometimes boys get this idea that dealing in “feelings” is for sissies and we need to dispel that. Connecting the development of empathy with their desire to defend and protect allows for the cultivation of empathy.
So let’s inspire and equip our boys to become the men they long to become and the men our culture so desperately need. They are ready for direction and inspiration.
Snag this month’s {free} Chivalry Challenge Download
Go re-read the chapter on challenging your boys to Defend and Protect the weak, print off one or more of the posters in my free printable pack for this month’s challenge and set your hearts and minds towards living this out!
I’ve included ideas in the following categories. There are more application ideas at the end of chapter 9 if you want more inspiration.
Scriptures to Live By – delve into what God has to say about defending and protecting the weak and vulnerable among us.
Conversations to Have – talking to our kids is so important. If we want them to embody these ideals, we need to bring them into everyday conversations. Here are principles from the book to discuss.
Books to Read – books shape who we become. Talk to your kids about how characters are defending and protecting the weak or those in need within the books you are reading together.
Things to Do – Boys are action oriented. This month is the perfect time to inspire them to action.
Make it a Community Affair – Find ways to bring your community together in issuing this challenge to your boys. I’ve give you a couple of specific ideas in this month’s handout.
My son always loves to be a hero. Thanks for the downloads.