I know, I know. We still have about 8 weeks until Easter, but I’ve found my thoughts drifting that direction. Remembering the miraculous work that Jesus has done in my heart because of His death and resurrection has always blown me away. I’m so thankful for my children. They cause me to start earlier and earlier […]
What a week… After a weekend of ‘re-organizing’, I sped right into frantically trying to pull the house together for a visit from my wonderful in-laws. Deciding to re-organize and set up an updated filing system probably should not have been tackled right before company is to arrive. Poor timing. Thankfully, they love us, despite […]
Music+Art+Movement = LOVE
I just had to share an absolutely enchanting book with you. For those who love art and music this is an excellent way to pass on that love to your children. Can You Hear It?, put out by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, pairs famous classical pieces of music with art from their collection. It […]
Inspiration to Organize?
There has been re-arranging and such in our front room. As Xander gets older, we are merging the concept of playroom with, gasp, school room. Although this isn’t a new problem, Rich mentioned the need to move our big filing cabinet from it’s place in the garage – collecting dust, to the front room. Apparently, the […]
Musical Explorations
This week, we tried our hand at making some of our own musical instruments. I think I’ve had almost as much fun playing with them as the boys have. (Experimenting with pitch on our shoebox guitar occupied me for quite a while…) How many ways can you play a homemade rubber band guitar? violin-style […]
Anticipating gifts
So much to be grateful for… …and so I continue with my list of 1000 gifts. (I’m finding myself looking each day with fresh excitement for His gifts to me. They are everywhere!) 71. an enchanting, newly-turned, two-year old niece. 72. an outlet for making pretty ‘girly’ things! (I’ve been wanting to make that tutu […]