The Olympics may be over, but the memories haven’t faded yet! Training for the 2026 2-man bobsled team has commenced…
Quiet Moments
Sometimes it is the quiet moments at home that are the most special. We’ve been soaking up a few of those mornings lately and just enjoying hanging out as a family! I’m not sure if this makes me a fun mommy or a bad one, but yes, there are certain tables in our house that […]
Horsing Around
I don’t know how many of you are familiar with the term “living books”, but it refers to the concept of reading interesting well-written books by authors who are passionate about their subject instead of reading summaries of topics in a textbook. We learn more and enjoy the process when education is centered around living books […]
Paying It Forward!
Once upon a time, about 2.5 years ago -to be more precise, contractions started coming 2-3 minutes apart. The problem was that I was only a little over halfway through the pregnancy. So began my 14 week journey of ‘rest’ ranging from limited activity to full bedrest and eventually even some medication. It was a long […]
Remembering Blueberries
I had been meaning to write a review of the Before Five in a Row book that we used last year… This delightful resource is so helpful if you have little ones in the 2-4 year old age range and want to enrich their learning in a developmentally appropriate way. It gives ideas on how to […]
Arms get tired. Perspective grows dim. The encouraging words from a friend can bring perspective and direct one’s eyes upwards again where motivation is renewed to fight the good fight! (100)This last week I called my mom to complain about my youngest son. He is into EVERYTHING, has no fear and I can’t afford to blink… […]