Kids fixate on the most bizarre things… He can’t make up his mind on whether he’s a dog or a mommy. (I think it’s time that this item that was left at our home gets returned…)
Wise Words…
As I was strolling through the blogosphere I came upon these comments made by the well rounded mama: I will cherish today. It is the only one I have. I want to soak up all that it has to offer…all the snuggles, all the kisses, all the teachable moments. I have been given a gift […]
Project Fail
Sometimes the best laid plans still flop. We made Resurrection Rolls this weekend. It was beautiful in concept… We talked about how Jesus, sinless and pure, had to die. We buried our marshmellow in its biscuit tomb. We eagerly broke open our rolls to discover the intended empty tomb. Instead we discovered a soppy, stringy, VERY PRESENT marshmellow. […]
Easter Ideas for Little One’s
I’ve learned in my 5.5 short years of parenting to never underestimate a child’s ability to understand. Their understanding of something like Easter and the sacrifice that Jesus made on our behalf might look a little bit different than ours as adults, but it is no less genuine or deep. My early Easter memories are […]
A Glimpse…
A parent’s job is challenging. You work so hard one day, teaching and training your little one’s only to wake up the next morning and do it all over again. Your finger doesn’t go there. Share your toys. Don’t throw your food on the floor. The potty is THAT way. Let’s practice using kind words […]
Sunshine In A Pocket
We are currently OBSESSED with pita bread. This obsession began back in November when I tried the recipe for pita bread from the revolutionary book, Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day! We love bread in this family, especially fresh bread. The problem is that I just don’t have the time to make it from […]