It is becoming easier and more natural to take a closer look and see the blessing regardless of life’s circumstances. Although sometimes it takes either stepping back from a situation to get the big picture or moving in for an up-close look. At a first glance, the creosote bush is plain. In fact, it is pretty ugly. […]
Speaking of homeschool conventions, not only will I be there, but my mom and I will be giving a workshop titled, Cultivating Curiosity: Growing Your Little One’s Love of Learning (description on page 11). It is one of the workshops specifically geared for those with kids 7 and under! We are thrilled to have the opportunity […]
For Arizona Parents of Preschoolers…
For any of you out there in Arizona who are considering homeschooling, Arizona Families for Home Education (AFHE) is providing the opportunity for you to attend this years homeschool convention for FREE! That’s a savings of $55!!! We live in a wonderful state with so many educational options. I’m excited that parents of preschoolers can have […]
The Gift of the Spirit-Led Life
Today has been a crazy day. I’m in the thick of trying to pull a couple of big projects together including a geography game that is proving to be a lot more challenging than I originally thought it would be. That seems to be how most creative projects work out for me… It’s hard to […]
Quiet Sorting
Beads are amazing. I remembered that I had this big bag of them and pulled them out the other day to play a sorting game with my two year old. He had been trying to get up on the stools with the bigger boys, so I pulled him aside to do something special with him […]
Embracing the Chaos
My sister sent me this snippet from The Mother’s Almanac. It made me laugh and cry at the same time, especially since I had taken my boys to the park this morning and made up a game involving running laps across the field to burn energy. Although I thought chaos was just part and parcel […]