As we explored the wonderful and wacky world of Australian animals, I had to wonder if my husband would be ok, with the pictures I’m about to post… The boys L.O.V.E.D. pretending to be mommy kangaroos. Our trusty playsilks came in handy as make-shift pouches for beloved teddy bears. He was a-ok with it, in […]
Sailing through Review!
This continents map of ours is proving quite handy. In addition to the fun we’ve had playing Global Twister (tutorial for our map found here), we recently pulled it out for a little review. The boys grabbed their bath boats and embarked from Peru (our last stop) to set sail around the world, reviewing what we […]
Gratitude Reflections
It comes easier with practice. I knew it would, but seeing it happen still blows me away. My heart is overflowing with gratitude! Everywhere I turn blessings pop out at me. I take note – writing them in my heart, marking them down in my journal and even recording some here… All the time, thanking the Giver […]
“Mom, mom,” my middle son whispered. I bent down to listen. “Let’s go. Let’s go on an adventure.” [pause] “Just you and me. Don’t worry, mom. I’ll be with you…” And so began our forest adventure. As we approached a meadow, he spotted drainage pipes going under the road. I could hear him catch his breath […]
Down Time
This last week, my family escaped up north and spent lovely relaxing week away from our cell phones and computers. I don’t watch TV (except for an occasional movie), but I’m pretty addicted to my phone and my computer, so this was a much needed break. It was fun to actually be outside A.L.L. D.A.Y. L.O.N.G!!!!! […]
Compassion Peru
The boys have a soft spot for South America. In our journey around the world, they have really been looking forward to this stop. Why? Ittiel, their friend and sponsored child through Compassion International lives in Peru. My husband and I began sponsoring our first child when we were engaged. He was from Guatemala – a […]