Call me ignorant, but I didn’t realize that fortune cookies weren’t ‘invented’ in China, but instead in California… In fact, when they were introduced to China, they were billed as the “genuine American fortune cookie.” But I still had my heart set on trying to make some for our recent Chinese dinner. As I began […]
Exploring China
On our trip around the world, we are attempting to sweep through Asia. It is such a diverse continent, that we chose just a few countries to look at in depth: China, India and Israel. I just keep reminding myself that our purpose it to provide them an overview. It is so hard to not […]
Learning in Layers
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how learning occurs in layers. As each layer is placed down, it enriches and enables the next layer to be added. Layers is the whole reason why we embarked this summer on our study of world geography. As we studied Native Americans and frontiersmen this last spring, I […]
That Kind of Day
I wasn’t feeling great today… …So we watched Aladin this morning instead of doing anything productive. That counts as part of our Asia study, right?
Food sculptures
All of this talk of food, nutrition and teaching our children, reminded me of something my sister had written a while back. She has graciously agreed to ‘guest post’ here. What a powerful lesson in modeling to our children and yet also holding expectations lightly and allow them to express themselves artistically in an open-ended, […]
Green Means Go!
Every once in a while, we unearth a true gem of a book. Eat Healthy, Feel Great is one of them. It explains the nuts and bolts of nutrition in a way that has my kids begging for broccoli, literally. After our first read through of the book, the boys were hooked. Every meal, every trip to […]