Kim C., entry #270 is the winner of the Child Training Bible! Congratulations!!! I hope you enjoy it as much as we have enjoyed ours!
The Daily Outdoor Challenge, Week 2
So, I’m back for week two of the Daily Outdoors Challenge. As I mentioned last week, my goal is to spend a minimum of 30 minutes outdoors with my children each day exploring and enjoying God’s beautiful creation. If you want to join us, simply make a goal for spending time outdoors with your family […]
Sweet Rewards of Reading…
Simply journeying deep into our imaginations as we get caught up in a story certainly is rewarding in and of itself. But sometimes it’s fun to add a sweet surprise at the end! 🙂 A few months ago, we read and fell in love with Homer Price! His quirky antics captivated the boys and I found that […]
The Daily Outdoor Challenge
What would happen if we made a commitment to spend special time EACH and EVERY day outdoors? I’d venture to guess that we would feel: more relaxed more connected with our family more connected with the Lord more productive with the rest of our day I’d venture we would be able to: think clearer focus […]
Drawing them Into the Word + a GIVEAWAY!
Xander: “Mommy, can I stay up late tonight?” Before I can respond with a negative, he quickly adds, “I’d like to study the Bible with you.” Rich and I can delay our War Horse movie night. How could I say no to such a request??? As you can imagine, we had a wonderful time digging […]
Remembering Sendak
As we read of the passing of Maurice Sendak, it brought back memories of a post that my mom wrote for an old blog of ours and I thought I would repost it. Makes me want to go upstairs right now and check on my sleeping ‘wild things’ – all four of them! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Imagine-Lit: Where […]