Our read-aloud times have taken a lovely turn. We’ve been reading Randy Alcorn’s Heaven for Kids and he keeps referencing The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. So we are taking a break from that book and delving into the magical land of Narnia. It is one of those ‘pinch-me’ moments as a mother as […]
Focus: First Things First and an Invitation
I woke up this morning with a song on my heart and craving Scripture like I crave chocolate mid-afternoon! {Am I the only one who dips into the chocolate stash mid-afternoon???} I’m filled with anticipation for the coming weeks and the special time I get to spend just with Him in the morning and then […]
When a Good Plan Goes South…
Ever had an idea that you were sure would be a big hit only to find it tank? Homeschooling provides me many of these. I like to keep our learning literature-rich, engaging, multi-sensory and as effortless as possible. You know, the kind of learning where they don’t even realize they are doing any active learning […]
One Word: FOCUS
Have you seen people talking about their year in terms of ‘one-word?’ {My new blog-friend, Erica over at Spoonful of Imagination wrote about hers recently…} It is funny because I’ve found myself gravitating towards that for the last couple of weeks. In fact, I had planned out a whole series that I wanted to share. But […]
Top 12 Posts from 2012
So, I’m coming back just a bit early from my blog break. Our family had so much fun this evening discussing the highlights of 2012 over a bowl of popcorn. Boys eyes sparkled as they kept gushing about favorite memories… I’m in a slightly sleep deprived state (thanks to a bout of insomnia last night) […]
Greeting the Rising Sun!
Earlier this week, my sweet oldest tiptoed into my room where I lay dozing, enveloped in the cozy warmth of blankets and nestled next to my heat emitting hubby! He greeted me with a whispered question. “Could we go meet the “rising sun?” The boys had whispered late the night before, and I figured they […]