Last week found us up north – relaxing, reading, hiking, fishing, playing games and spending time with family. It’s been a bit quiet around here I know. Life has been so crazy with the ebook launch on top of normal living. Last week was just what we needed. Sometimes we just need to take a […]
It’s the Little Things in Life…
…because sometimes a costume makes all the difference in transporting “work” into the realm of “play.”
What Does a Typical Homeschool Day Look Like?
Hey there Busy Mom’s! Welcome to my little home here on the web. I wanted to give you a peak into my day… What does a typical homeschool day look like? I get asked this question a lot. And really, the answer is that it will look different for everyone. But today I want to […]
A much needed break
Thankfully, we were able to get away this last weekend. Rich and I both spoke for a homeschool kick-off meeting up north. I can’t even begin to describe how wonderful it’s been the last couple of weeks to get to speak twice alongside my hubby. I don’t think he expected to like it as much […]
Move to Improve Learning!
If anyone was unaware of how passionately I feel about movement and learning, there can certainly be no doubts now after the release of my ebook, The Ultimate Guide to Brain Breaks. I’m posting today over at Holy Spirit Led Homeschooling. You can get a little peek into my story and how movement and learning […]
My How They Grow… Yearly Pictures!
I love taking pictures… It slows me down. I pause and reflect on the amazing privilege I have to be their mother, to teach them, to train them, to learn along side them. I’ve never been one to do cute “beginning of the school year” pictures. I blame that on my years being homeschooled. […]