Tap, tap, tap… “YESSSSSSSSSSSS!” I hear my son shout. He has just received a promotion. We are in our second month of exploring Keyboard Classroom and we both couldn’t be more pleased. Finally, after searching off and on for a while, we’ve found a typing program that we both like. Our time is just too […]
Making Math Mission Possible today…
This morning was fraught with tears as we continued to pick up dropped studies from last week. We stripped down to just a few things last week as we buckled down to pull everything together for our state’s homeschool Mid-Year Refresher and Leadership Conference that Rich and I organized. Our theme for the Leadership Conference was […]
Why I haven’t been writing much…
It has been in insanely busy month. We’ve all had them, right? Well, this month has been one of the busiest in a long time. We traveled so much last semester, that I found it hard to get into a groove with our learning routine. Just as we’d hit our stride, we’d head out to […]
Books and Your Budget: Deciding when to buy or borrow…
Books, books, books. Oh how I love reading great books. When I think about reading to my kids I can’t help but think about all of the benefits. In fact, I recently read and pinned an excellent post on why it’s important to still read aloud to your teens from Susan at Homeschooling Hearts and […]
Looking Back: Top Posts from 2013
Hello everyone. It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I don’t feel like blogging and I don’t feel like reading blogs in December, so I decided to step away from the computer for the last half of December. It was a lovely break, despite being plagued by sickness that didn’t seem to want to relinquish it’s […]
Ditch the Guilt and Embrace Real-Life Learning
Sometimes as homeschool moms, we can have a tendency to heap guilt on ourselves. We want to do it all and do it every moment. Sometimes we can forget that there are seasons and that for the homeschool family, those “seasons” might look different than for those in school. Our seasons will probably even […]