The Seed and the Giant Saguaro: Based on “This Is the House that Jack Built”, this story builds on itself and also gives visual clues of what is to come. The boys love the rhyming review and guessing what will come next. It is a great soft introduction to food chains, pollination and ecosystems.
Creatures of the Desert World ~ Auntie Ev bought this pop-up book for the boys. It is a gem, but on the fragile side. There is much excitement when I pull this down from it’s high and safe perch. With flaps and pop-up pages, the Sonoran desert really comes to life in this amazing book.
Desert Giant: The World of the Saguaro Cactus ~ This beautifully illustrated book goes through the life of a giant saguaro and lays out it’s relationship with the animals and people of the desert. This is one of the few books that I can find on the Tohono O’Oodham people.
Cactus Hotel ~ This charming book also goes through the life-cycle of a saguaro and tells about the different animals that take shelter in the saguaro.
These books are pretty Sonoron desert specific, so they wouldn’t really apply for Utah or Nevada, but would be great when you study Mexico as the Sonoran desert extends from mid-AZ down into northern Mexico.
The Great Basin desert covers Utah and Nevada and is considered more of a ‘cold’ desert.
Thanks for this link! You’re right these are some great books. Maybe we’ll use some of these (provided my library has them) when we study Nevada and Utah.