Today is an update of sorts… My mind is still full from our weekend at the AFHE Convention where I spoke, Rich and I worked and were also inspired along with over 5,000 other homeschool parents! There is a special energy there that leaves one reinvigorated! I’m ready to tackle lesson planning for the year this next week! I had grand plans to take more pictures, but didn’t really snap any more than on Thursday when we were getting everything set up there. But I did manage to snag this one with three of our speakers!
Before I get to my two very important book updates, I had to proudly announce that we are now the owners of a little hamster. His name is Killsauligan. We call him Killy for short. And I’m quite relieved that the boys haven’t killed him yet. Little Killy put everyone in their place after he drew blood twice when not handled properly. Everyone now believes me on the importance and necessity of carefully loving our little furry friend. Isn’t he cute? Today Greta’s been walking around shrilly calling out ‘Killlllllllllllllllllllly, Killlllllllllllllllly.’
Brain Breaks Book Update
Did I mention that I’m writing a whole book on brain breaks?!?!? Well if I haven’t yet, consider this the official announcement. Now that the convention is behind us and we are on ‘summer break’ for the month of June, I’m buckling down and finishing this baby! My post on brain breaks back in April had quite a response and I’ve decided to tease this topic out more in a little book and provide detailed directions for even more brain break activities than I had originally provided! It’s going to be an incredible resource for any parent – whether you homeschool or just oversee homework each afternoon! I’m shooting to have this released end of July/early August!
Book Update #2: His Mighty Warrior
I mentioned a few weeks ago my top 10 list of adventure books to inspire a boys faith. Intentionally building our children’s faith is something that I’m very passionate about and I loved sharing our favorite adventure books that help us in this endeavor. I made a departure from my normal protocol when I recommended this book that I actually hadn’t read YET… I’m very picky when it comes to books and don’t normally recommend anything that we haven’t actually read and LOVED. But it had vaulted to the top of my amazon wish-list and so I made the call to include it. The book arrived 2 weeks ago and it is absolutely delightful. Check out this snippet from the first page:
My son,
I have chosen you to do something great for my kingdom. You are not just a boy – you are a child of the King, and I am your Father in heaven. I want you to know that I am the same God who chose King David when he was just a little boy, and I have chosen you to show the world who I am. I will give you all you will ever need to conquer and accomplish the mission I have for you. Never forget who you are or who I am and you will become a strong and might warrior for me.
Your King and Father in heaven
This ‘letter’ is followed up with a scripture passage to read and discuss and then a sample prayer. Rich is super excited to read this with Xander and have some special ‘man-to man{in training} time! There is a girl version too that has been highly recommended by a friend of mine! I’ll be ordering that when I place my next book order!
I really enjoyed your talk at the convention! At the beginning of the school year I had planned to incorporate nature walks into our curriculum. I believe we took one. You have inspired me to get my kiddos outside! (Even if it is 100 degrees outside)
Oh Melissa, that just made my day. It is hard sometimes to get out and stay consistent – especially when it is so hot outside. Hurray for taking the plunge!
Your smile and pics always bless my day. You have a gift. The gift of mom and calling it out in others. Thank you friend.
Kinda of liking our momma notes. I do hope you’ll join us again and link up. Wanna join us? Slip your fave recipe, notes of encouragement, birthday pics, all things gloriously mom, into the link up. Just moms. Sharing our notes. Creating a melody.
Be blessed bunches,
ok, SUPER excited about your brain breaks book!! will it be an ebook or a book-book {for lack of a better way to describe it, ha!} either way, i can’t wait! xo
It will be an ebook!
Yay, you, author! I’m excited for your book, Heather!
Also going to look into the Mighty Warrior one. Thanks for the advice. Oliver and my husband go camping each summer with a few dads and sons for “Warrior Weekend” when they intentionally lead their boys into milestones of manhood. Love it.
Oh my Heather. A “Warrior Weekend.” I’m putting in my official request now that you PLEASE blog about it! I’m super intrigued. My hubby and I have just started talking about the transition to manhood and I love the idea of a rite of passage thing like this! 🙂
We used the princess version of this book with our Little Keepers group this year. All of the moms and girls really enjoyed it. I think it will be one to revisit later. 🙂
This is so great!! I’m excited to see/read your brain breaks book! Well done, my friend. Is there a recommended age for His Mighty Warrior? With my three boys, it’s bound to work for one of them at this stage.
I read somewhere that it was geared for 9-12 year olds. Depending on the personality of your child, it might be a good read for youngers provided you read it with them. The tricky part is always not jumping the gun before they can fully appreciate it. I know my almost 9 year old will get a lot out of it and I’m pretty sure that my almost 7 year old might too. The 5 year old would not.