We spend a lot of time in our car driving here and there. Being in a large metro area means you get used to driving, I guess. Sometimes it makes the whole idea of “home” schooling seem like a bit of a stretch since so much of our explorations take place out in the great big world.
My sister lives in a small town and I admit that I’m a bit envious when she tells me that at most, she drives 12 minutes to reach her furthest friend. For a while I couldn’t even say that I had a close friend within 12 minutes (so thankful for wonderful neighbors who have become friends!).
All that to say – we drive. A lot. So what’s an intentional mama to do, but find good use for our time in the car. One of our favorite things to do is work on Scripture memory.
Remember when I wrote about monthly mission to help #EndBiblePoverty? This last month, we took our memory challenge on the road. I’m super-high tech as you can tell… Having Bible verses taped to the steering wheel or dashboard makes it easy to work in practice here and there when we are in the car.
We memorized Psalm 119:9-16 together and then the kids recited it for us and then each set of grandparents who had all agreed to sponsor them in this challenge. My 6 year old, found it the most difficult to keep all of these verses straight. It helped to hear his brothers working on it at the same time. And all I can say, is that I’m so thankful for Skype! The boys loved having an almost in-person audience!
While the memory work was great, the conversations were simply precious. We discussed what it means to guard our way (which my warrior boys loved), what it means to meditate on the Word and such…
Watching them catch the vision for helping people groups who have no access to God’s Word and coming up with their own creative ideas to help made this mama cry out to God in gratitude. I definitely think we’ll be following up on this some more this year.
It’s so easy to take access to the Bible for granted. Throughout this process, we’ve been reminded afresh to dig deep with thankfulness and do what we can to help others gain access to the life-giving Word of God. We are excited to plant seeds that will reap an eternal harvest.
Did you miss my first post? We’d love to still have you and your family join us to hide God’s Word in our heart and help #EndBiblePoverty in the process. It’s as simple as challenging them to memorize some Bible verses and sponsor them in this endeavor by pledging a certain amount per verse that you can then donate to The Seed Company (an affiliate of Wycliffe Bible Translators). I’ll keep up our donation page if you want to support efforts in southeast Asia with us!
Heather! I have had this post open in a tab for about…well, however long ago it was you published this! I love love love it all!
I loved doing this mission b/c the kids were JOYOUS about memorizing these Scriptures. It was so fun!
Love the pic of you in the #endbiblepoverty shirt. 😉