A time to rest, a time to still the noise, a time to listen…
There is a time for everything under the sun, and God has made it abundantly clear that this is a season to embrace going deep – with the Lord, with my husband, and with my children. It is a season to still the noise, a season to rest. I’ve felt this need for a while. Some ongoing health issues make this break vital. I laugh when I think about how I keep saying, “But God…” and He faithfully brings reminder after reminder to rest in Him and to step back from the online world.
My job: listen and obey. Starting tomorrow, I’ll be going “dark” for the most part. I’ll be logging on twice a week to mail out orders of my book and new preschool cards. But other than that, we’ll be settling into our new routine for this upcoming semester, reading, relaxing and just “being”. I’m excited. This is about as close to a sabbatical as a mama of 4 can get and I’m taking it!
So what does this mean for the blog? I have so much I want to say, so many ideas swirling. I’ll be back. I’m praying about what that will look like. I’m intrigued by the idea of podcasting or maybe sharing more videos. What I love more than anything is when I get to interact with you all in REAL LIFE and not just through the written word or social media. I’d appreciate your prayers and if you have specific things you’d like to see me address, let me know.
For those of you in the south or up in Minnesota, I’ll be travelling to Birmingham, Alabama to speak at the Refresh Homeschool Retreat in February and up north to Duluth for the MACHE Homeschool Conference in April! I look forward to seeing some of you there!
“My plan” {ha! I’m learning to hold my ideas lightly these days.} is to take August to step back from all online engagement and then inch back into interacting on Instagram or Facebook in September. As long as the Lord doesn’t direct otherwise, I hope to be back sharing in this space in October.
In the meantime, here are some of my favorite posts from the archives!
Intentional Parenting
Intentional Parenting Means Raising Daniels
Intentional Parenting Means Setting Goals with the End in Mind
Intentional Parenting Means Setting {Bite-Sized} Goals
10 Adventure Books that Inspire a Boy’s Faith
A Time to Hold, A Time to Let Go
A Frugal Approach to Building Biblical Literacy
Read Thru the Bible as a Family
Inspired Learning
10 Books that Inspire a Lifestyle of Learning
What Does a Typical Homeschool Day Look Like
Home if Where It Starts: Our Classroom, Our Mindset
How We Utilize Brain Breaks in our Homeschool
I’m Not Patient Enough to Homeschool… And That’s OK
Homeschooling: Why Socialization Matters
How to Support Your Wife in Homeschooling
When Curiosity Hijacks Your Day, Run With It!
Preschool Learning Resource Page
Satan, Burping, and Reading Readiness
Created to Create: Finding Our Inner Artist
For those who have asked, we are settling in well in our new Texas home! We surprised the boys last week with a trip to the Cowboys stadium. The highlight was getting to play football on the field. I think they could have stayed all day… We are loving the big trees and living in a little red brick house that is so very different from Arizona. We are looking forward to fall and putting down roots as we continue to seek out and build relationships with friends here in our new city!
I get it my friend…I really do!!! Enjoy these precious, fleeting days!! Your little ones will not keep. That little Greta is a mini YOU!!! SO precious. Hugs, Camille
No worries, I totally understand! I fight a constant battle myself against the temptation of online time. Even now that I’ve given up Facebook, I still am tempted to spend too much time on email, on my blog, and on reading articles and goofing. Especially since, as you know, with four children there IS NO TIME to spend wastefully. (Yikes!) I am constantly adjusting how I try to keep up with necessary computer time (research, record-keeping) and fun computer time without being a poor steward of my time.
Enjoy Texas! I’m envious of the GREEN you are getting to experience! (But possibly not the bugs!) 🙂
Awwww, don’t stay away too long.
Understand, but will miss your posts here! Blessings on your health, your home, your support system.