It is always interesting to go through similar experiences but from a different perspective… I still remember that first year of motherhood. It rocked my world in the best kind of way and yet was also challenging. I had a whole new respect for not only my mother, but mom’s everywhere.
I’ve had moments peppered throughout my entire post-high school experience when I’ve been thankful for my homeschool years. It happened a lot while I was in college as time and time again, I realized how well prepared I was for most of the things I encountered. Not everything however. I’m pretty sure I heard more foul language in my first day at the university than I had in my entire life up to that point and then there was the experience with the locker combination lock…
This last week, I’ve found myself reflecting yet again on my childhood homeschool adventure, the subsequent college years and also, with anticipation,the remaining years I have with my own children.
I posted some of my thoughts over at Free Homeschool Deals when I shared 10 unexpected benefits that I’ve experienced now as a result of my homeschool years. As with motherhood in general, I have a new-found respect for my parents now that I’m on the other end of the homeschool spectrum!
I loved my experience in college from an academic perspective, but also felt so well-prepared to not only stand firm in my faith, but also to defend and share my faith even when it wasn’t popular. Xander and I had the opportunity to catch a sneak preview of the upcoming movie, God’s Not Dead. It provided a great opportunity to talk knowing what you believe and walking out those convictions even when you are mocked and even if there is a cost. It made me thankful for the heritage that my parent’s gave me as well as fill me with excitement and faith as I turn to God, entrust my children to His care and prepare them to be Daniels in whatever situation’s that comes their way. We must be intentional and this movie was a great reminder to step back and look at the big picture. The movie releases in theaters next month. You can find city/theater locations here. Rich and I couldn’t go see it together since someone had to stay home to watch the kids, but I’m hoping we can make it back as I know it will give us much to talk about as we set about this role of intentionally parenting the children He’s given us.
What inspires you in your parenting?
Head on over to Free Homeschool Deals to read my post!
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I love to see pictures of people when they’re kids. You were so cute! =) I enjoyed your reflection back on your own homeschool experience and also appreciated your article regarding the 10 unexpected benefits of homeschooling. Keep up the good work of encouraging other homeschool moms! =)
Thanks for sharing this…. I haven’t seen the trailer until now. Having faith to follow His path for you, homeschooling and helping your children to follow their paths from Him – one of life’s true blessings!
The trailer was quite moving. I can’t wait to see the film!
Love, love, love your old pics from when you were a wee thing 🙂
What a fabulous movie that’s going to be! I’m excited to see it, thanks for sharing!