* dancing with kitchen shears.
*pulling a kids chair or stool into the kitchen and helping himself to all kinds of stuff found on my countertops. (maybe this will motivate me to have magazine quality clean counters!)
* coloring the recliner with a sharpie.
* finding a sharpie and coloring the stool and my kitchen floor – all in the time it took me to walk to the pantry and pull out some flour…
*carting cups of rocks into the house and dumping them on my carpet.
*spearing dog poo and coming in to the living room to show mommy.
*scopping water out of the dog bowl and drinking it.
*grabbing a stick of butter that I had put out to soften and eating it.
*pulling my diaper bag down repeatedly and spreading it’s contents all over the kitchen floor.
*decorating the bathroom with tp.
*climbing up onto MY bicycle seat when I turn to snap Keegan’s bike helmet on.
*pulling down a new container of yogurt and then helping Duchess lick up the spilled contents from the floor.
*trying to throw bricks over the fence. ouch, for him that is.
This newly minted 2 year old keeps me busy… But we wouldn’t trade him for the world.
Happy birthday Trey-Trey!!!
You left out that he kissed/licked his birthday candle – the lit end while it was still lit. Almost gave Opa a heart attack!
happy birthday Treyton! What a great little guy