This last Wednesday we had our monthly co-op get together and the theme was Thanksgiving, naturally.
After reading, Pilgrim Cat, one of the boys favorite Thanksgiving related books, we did some corn planting of our own, Squanto style. A few goldfish, popcorn kernals, sand and globs of glue later, they proudly showed off their neat rows of newly planted corn!
Next we went on a hunt for game. Each child took an imaginary bow or musket outside for the hunt. Turkeys, deer and rabbits were found and brought in!
Next we talked talked about how thankful the pilgrim settlers were for God’s provision throughout their first tough year in the new land. To help them start thinking about things they could be thankful to God for, we played a fun game. The boys have been clamoring to play this again, so I’m guessing we’ll have several family rounds of this in the next week!
Materials needed: a hankerchief of some kind.
Everyone sits in a circle and passes the hankerchief around while chanting:
Thankerchief, thankerchief, around you go —
Where you’ll stop, nobody knows.
But when you do, someone must say,
What they are thankful for this day.
The player holding the “thankerchief” when the poem ends, must say aloud, one thing for which they are thankful. This continues until everyone has had their turn.
Once we had ideas flowing on how many things we have to be thankful for, we revisited our Turkey Countdown from last year!
The boys have had fun filling in something they are thankful for each evening as we count down the days until Thanksgiving!
Part 1 found here.
Fantastic lessons!!