Now that the craziness of the last month has died down, we are picking back up with normal life!
With Thanksgiving quickly approaching the boys and I are spending time studying about the first Thanksgiving. It seems like every year I pick up something new. That’s the fun part about learning. It never ends. I’m thankful for the excuse to dive in and discover more with the kids!
This week we have been reading about what life was like on the Mayflower. The boys have also both been learning about Noah’s Ark. So today we grabbed our trusty tape measure (and what boy does not like one of those?) and set out to get an idea of the length and width of these two ships. (Mayflower 95ft x 27ft, Ark 450ft x 50ft)
And of course pretended that the cones were guns and shot at minivans driving by… (they did not get this from me, they did not get this from me. :sigh:)
At dinner that night, Xander excitedly told his dad about what we did. He now has an idea of just how small the Mayflower was for the number of people and supplies aboard and how BIG the ark was. It is not the cutesy little boat with animals spilling over that is often depicted in children’s illustrations.
Next up: Mayflower day. We will be spending time getting a small taste of what life on the Mayflower was like. Stay tuned for an update and a list of some of our favorite books on the pilgrims!
How creative!!