Hello there and welcome! It was such a delight to talk to you all about the beauty of Nature Walks! It really is science made simple and natural and fun and, and, and…
I wanted to give you some more resources as you embark on this life-long adventure of taking nature walks and delighting in the outdoors!
Nature Walk Ideas: I threw out a bunch of ideas during the presentation and I wanted to give you a list and brief summary of the ways we’ve incorporated Nature Walks in our family.
Wilderness Places in Michigan
Find Nature in Your Area – Just enter your city or zipcode and find places to explore in your neck of the woods!
Michigan Parks and Nature Preserves
Michigan Department of Natural Resources
Michigan Nature Books:
Paddle to the Sea – this delightful book covers so much of the natural world along the Great Lakes!
The Dandelion Seed – beautiful book to read and then go blow some dandelion seeds together and discuss!
Birds at Home (by Marguerite Henry. Delightful prose and beautiful illustrations that provide helpful information about the birds you’ll see out your back door. Out-of-print.)
Coat Pocket Bird Book: A Field Guide to Birding (Birds of the Great Lakes Region)
Birds of Michigan (Great full-color picture guide for beginners!)
A whole series of nature guides for Michigan: Trees of Michigan, Wildflowers of Michigan, Mammals of Michigan,
Who Pooped in the North Woods – I love this series that showcases tracks and scat from several parks around the country. This one is the closest to you all, so I thought I’d include it here
Scat and Tracks of the Great Lakes
Favorite Picture Books that Draw Kids into Nature Explorations
Relevant Blog Posts on Nature Walks and Nature Exploration:
10 Reasons Why You Should Go Outside EVERYDAY!
Nature Mapping the Neighborhood and a Nursery Fieldtrip
Daily Outdoors Challenge Posts
How Active Play Boosts Brain Power
Awesome Nature Walk Resources
Nature Study Printables for Preschoolers and Toddlers – I love these creative ideas from SpellOutloud for your tiny explorers. This helpful guide for includes fun and engaging printable eye-spy cards that are sure to delight. You can use the coupon code, NATUREWALK, to get $1 off!
100+ Easy and Fun Creative Nature Walks – I love this amazing resource. If you are wanting to include more nature walks and utilizing the natural world in your learning adventures, than this resource is a great go-to guide that will help keep your nature walks fresh, exciting, and rich without the investment of planning on your part.”
I’m so excited to let you know that I have an exclusive coupon code that will get you 40% off this or any of her other nature learning resources! Simply use Heather40 at checkout!