My book, Knights in Training, inspired from this foray into the realm of chivalry released on May 30th, 2017! Find out more about the book HERE!
A couple of months ago, a reporter from the New York Times contacted me because of a free printable I offered. She wanted to interview me for a piece she was writing on chivalry and manners. That article finally came out today which of course had me thinking with fond memories again of that season nearly 5 years ago when we embarked on Knight-Training. I’m thinking about pulling it out again, especially since Trey missed out on it last time around.
We live in a day and age where our culture is anything but civil. It doesn’t take more than 10 minutes on Facebook or even less time at a school recess yard to recognize that. As parents, however, we have the power to shape the culture of our home. We can set an example in how to show care and respect for others.
Years ago, when we were learning about the Middle Ages, I read up on chivalry. What I learned surprised me. I had always thought of chivalry as merely how a man treats a women. But it is far more than that. It was an entire code of conduct. As my boys waged imaginary battles all around me, I read and was filled with renewed vision. I desired to raise these three boys to treat others with respect, to fight for what is right and good, to stand against injustice and evil, to defend those that are weak and protect them. When the culture at large proceeds to demean women, I wanted to raise strong sons who would show thoughtfulness and care, not only for the women that they encounter each day, but EVERYONE. I saw an opportunity to inspire my boys to seek to build one another up instead of tearing others down. In a ME-focused culture, we desired to focus on loving God first and then others. So as we learned about the history of the middle ages, we delved into character development too.

At the end of our unit, we had a dubbing ceremony where the boys were each knighted by the ‘king of the house.’ They were quite serious about it all, preparing the throne room and kneeling so reverently. Even the three year old slowed down from his frenzied running (that is the norm at the end of the day) to watch and participate.
I’ve come to realize that this training in chivalry is only the beginning. I pray they will continue to grow in strength, love for the King of kings, defending the weak and taking stands for what is right and true!
If you would like to engage in some Knights Training of your own, I’ve included the printable Knights Code of Conduct as well as a Chart to mark your progress. Now that I have a little girl in the picture, I’m going to have to give some thought to how I want to do this with her.
Related Post: Knights-in-the Making
King Focus
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Love this post! What a sweet way to instill character traits you want to see develop….so wonderful! Your family is blessed to have you. Hugs, Camille
Heather, have you read Beowulf to your children? The 2007 illustrated version by James Rumford is a classic at our house now – they ask to read it over and over. I thought it would go nicely with your knights training. Hope Texas is treating y’all well!
Amazing! Happy to hear a reporter is taking interest in such an important aspect that should be current in it’s practice! Thanks for the printable again. You are a light in this world, friend 🙂
Dear Heather,
I love your Knights idea, so refreshing to hear about the importance of good manners and not only good grades!
My question is, how about girls? I an the proud mum of a teenage “princess” and we live next to a secondary school. I see every day how good manners are just simply uncool, perhaps in a different way to the boys, but still, girls these days swear, belch and behave unkind toward each other, and -silly, but I think important- they don’t cross their legs when sitting wearing short skirts. Everything is “I don’t care” or “It doesn’t matter” “Duh”. . Girls also need princess training, from a very young age…
Best wishes from Amsterdam, Netherlands.
I hear you. When I developed this I only had three little boys. Now that I have a little girl who is 4, I’ve found myself thinking about this. We’ve already started discussing many of the things you’ve mentioned.
It’s nice to see someone putting an effort into teaching “old fashioned” values. Kids these days are so rude and disconnected with one another, which is ironic because they are all connected through social media.
Love it! I need to print this out because my boys would love it.